Welcome to Mendenhall Water
We’re here to change the world. The founder of the company Thomas Kirby, has spent the last 40 years traveling the world, delivering essential goods to American Service People. He did this to ensure they were able to keep the world safe and America strong.
As he approaches the end of this part of his life, he remains strong, vigorous, and interested in new challenges. So, how do you follow up a career like that? One that demands you be your best, and put’s you front and center, perform at your best daily? All in the service of what you believe is right. You won’t just find it, you have to design it. You have to invite others to participate in it with you. You have to see where the world needs a strong hand and a guiding spirit, and then take that leap. Call the day. Stand tall, and make that difference.
That difference is Mendenhall Water. About 40 years ago, a few greedy companies had the idea to take precious sweet water out of the ground, from places that already had a serious shortage of clean, safe water and then sell it back to the natives for a buck a bottle. It was a recipe for printing money. It also hurt a lot of people in in areas stricken with drought, and it set the standard for greed and lack of social conscience. Worse, this resource piracy became the biggest polluter of the oceans in the world.
So we’ve decided to turn the world on its ear. First we bottle our water in recyclable cardboard cartons, from 8 ounce school lunch size to 100 gallon, bulk transport containers. No more waste plastic. No more sea life dying from mistaking plastic bottles for jellyfish. No more microplastic in people’s bloodstream causing cancer. We power our bottling plants with renewable energy. We utilize cutting edge technology to extract our water from environmentally safe sources, that don’t endanger limited local resources or the people who depend on them. We produce an incredible product, for an outstanding price. We make a concerted effort to improve every single thing we touch.
Moreover, We use this resource to contribute to the greater good:
- We help develop new technologies for producing cheap, safe, clean water for everyone
- We deliver great water to people in need at our expense to help share the benefit
- We look to clean up rivers lakes and the seas, undoing the mess already left by others
- We support the removal of plastics from the watershed and ocean
- We preserve the glaciers, one of the most critical fresh water sources on the planet and responsible for the trade currents that make a livable climate in Northern Europe
- We promote social justice and equality
- We help indigenous people receive equity and social justice, in particular we work to ensuring girls and young women from indigenous cultures get a good education and live safely from predators
- We promote access to the benefits of society and full social acceptance from those who are the subjects of prejudice, injustice, hate, violence, and xenophobia.
- We dedicate ourselves to improving the world by empowering a push to return to civility, dignity, compassion, and social responsibility.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR PARTNERS, SOURCE FUNDERS, MENTORS, COLLABORATORS, and CHEERLEADERS. Join us in playing a game worthy of being alive… Contact us, and let us know how you think you can fit in. Click “Contact Us” Below…